Just plain getting started with new camera stack

I reburned the image to SSD, making sure everything was erased and reselected and typed in. Default pi user. Finally this time it came up - just like the SD card image did. Hate to say this - user error, although it is hard to ensure you do the right things in the imager. Have changed the password already. Now ready to get octoprint going. Have to say it took maybe 15 tries to do this - instructions were not intuitive to me.

When you say the instructions were not intuitive, I assume you mean this section of the download page?

Or are there instructions somewhere else that you were following?

The difference between using the Raspberry Pi imager & the DIY setup can sometimes be confusing, and with the evolution of the setup process it is not always as streamlined as it could be. I think there's too many options on the 'download' page personally, and have considered proposing splitting it up into a better 'Set up' guide and 'Download' pages.

Yes. This page. In retrospect, it seems fine, but clearly I missed something. I think it is how the imager repopulates the fields under wifi options, and locale - if you are repeatedly doing this. The imager puts in long strings of encrypted stuff, in the password areas, which you need to make sure is totally deleted before you start typing. The number of characters used are around a couple dozen - and you'd better flush them all out. I also deselected then reselected options so it was sure to be flushed.

Pretty sure the very first time I didn't save things and got a strange burn. In the instructions, nowhere does it say to save all those settings! You'd think that was obvious, but I think the first time I didn't, simply because I was following the instructions literally.

Yup the appearance of greyed out but populated fields in the imager caught me as well.

Ideally they should be blank to start with.

It looks like you have this almost sorted out.


BTW: I too thought the SD card was very slow compared to an SSD.

Then I purchased a different card. While the SSD is still faster, the SD card speed is not bad now.

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