Known Printer Profiles for OctoPrint

Hi all, I need some help with a UM2+Ex with Tinkerware and Bondetch DDG. What settings go into the individual bounding box ? Or does anyone have a working profile for the Ultimaker ?

THX for Help!

stay healthy !

It would be good if Octoprint could come with this list of predefined profiles. What do you think?

Brand: FlashForge
Model: Creator Pro 2
Form Factor: rect
Origin: center
Heated Bed: yes
Heated Chamber: no
Width: 200
Depth: 148
Height: 150
Custom Bounding Box: No
MaxX (inverted?): 2500 mm/min yes
MaxY (inverted?): 2500 mm/min no
MaxZ (inverted?): 200 mm/min yes
E: 300 mm/min
Nozzle: 0.4 mm
Extruders: 2
Who: undrob
Notes: Thanks to OctoPrint - Flashforge Creator Pro 2



By any chance, does anyone have a "fix" for Ender 5 (Pro) origin? The home/origin point is the back right and currently the only 2 options are lower left and center.

It's not a big deal as I currently have it printing and displaying everything else fine, but I use the PrettyGCode plugin and the nozzle origin position when the printer is idle shows it at the lower left (likely because of the printer profile setting). The purge line and print progress shows up fine its just that origin point that shows it at the lower left when its really at the back right.


The origin position in the Ender 5 Pro from the factory is wrong (or at least counter-intuitive), being in the back right side. Flashing a new firmware that has the endstops properly configured as maximum points will make it work correctly.

Here is my profile for Tronxy X5SA -400 with Titan extruder and V6 hotend. The printer is running on Marlin firmware.