Hi fellow OctoPrinters!
It's been a long time since the last stable Octolapse update, and I'm trying hard to get the next version out, but I need some help. Turns out I added way too many features at once (multi-camera and DSLR support, feature detection, new slicer specific settings, text overlays, better error messages and validation, themeify compatibility and a lot more...), and am having trouble testing everything out.
If anyone here is interested in taking the new version for a test drive, here is a link you can use to install the latest version (v0.3.4rc1.dev3) from the plugin manager: https://github.com/FormerLurker/Octolapse/archive/v0.3.4rc1.dev3.zip
Warning: If you've already installed Octolapse, you will lose all of your snapshot profile customizations. They will be replaced with the new defaults (which are better anyway).
If you decide to give it a go, make sure to reboot after installation then clear your browser cache when Octoprint is finished rebooting (ctrl + f5). Here is a video explaining how to configure the new version. You might be interested in taking a look at the new 'Layer Change - High Quality' snapshot profile, which should get rid of those pesky artifacts that Octolapse sometimes can leave. Watch the video first, since it will explain how to get that working correctly.
You can leave feedback on Github here. Let me know if you have problems or questions, I'm glad to help!
Edit: Updated links for the new version