I haven't had any issues so far....but I would like to know how to monitor/log/view the CPU Temperature and Load so that I can see if there's an issue developing.
I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with a heat sink that seems to keep things around 45C
I am currently using this as a means to check temp...
I'm somewhat of a noob and am just hoping there are command line things I can do, via my PuTTY session to see how things are going during a print.
I'm running the NavBar Temp plugin which seems to take care of one of your requirements.
And--not that this would be easy--I'm running a Conky desktop on a TFT that's attached to my Raspi 3 which automagically gives me the load on the four cores which are in it. This appears to be the underlying code which reports the CPU load of each core.
You can add
vmstat 1 1
before the echo sleeping
that will give you a lot of perf data for that one second
OR you can do the following to display perf data for 10 seconds and temp
while :
TEMP=`cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp`
CELSIUS=`expr $TEMP / 1000`
echo "Current Temp in Celsius is $CELSIUS"
vmstat 1 10
echo "Control-C to exit loop"
echo ""
Awesome....so....again....a noob...so I truly appreciate your patience...
How do I write this via my PuTTY session so it is saved/create a file?
(Sorry...Windows guy)