New release: 1.10.0

After a ten month long development phase overshadowed by a funding crisis and followed by an almost three month long RC phase with four release candidates, I’m happy to finally present to you the 1.10.0 release of OctoPrint!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Excited for the performance improvements loading the UI - I saw page load times halve in my early testing, although mileage may vary as that was my development setup with all my plugins etc.


Amazing! Congratulations on the release and thank you so much for all the hard work!!!

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Such an awesome release! OctoPrint on a Pi Zero 2W is finally snappy and loads significantly faster. I can only estimate but I'd say loading times of the Web UI are now 40% of what I experienced before. My plans on replacing the Zero2W are a matter of the past now. Glad I can keep running OctoPrint on such a low-powered device with that many plugins enabled.

Also really dig the improved security posture OctoPrint now provides through re-authentication requests for privileged actions.

I'll send a donation along your way. Definitely worth it considering the time I gained through the faster UI and the power I save since I won't need to upgrade the Zero2.


Time to update!

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Awesome news and congratulations! UI improvements and a whole lot more.

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After this, my continuous printing plugin completely stopped working and stopped Octoprint from displaying the current progress of my print but I assume that will get fixed by the plugin creators and I am still excited about these new loading times.

You should check the plugins github page if this issue is already reported and if it isn't you can help the plugin creator by reporting it and your logs :slight_smile:

Does this release include the new camera stack? I would really love to check on my printer from elsewhere in the house without eating a ton of network bandwidth, but I don't want to wipe my entire pi and manually install a variant octopi image :confused:

OctoPrint and OctoPi are separate software. This release is OctoPrint 1.10. It doesn't handle the streaming of webcams, it just views them.

The new camera stack is part of OctoPi. Both options are available in the Raspberry Pi imager, but it's not something you'll be able to update to without reflashing the OS. There is groundwork laid in the new stack for that to be updated in place, without re-flashing in future. With the new stack, you can install the "Camera Streamer Control" plugin in OctoPrint to view the webrtc/h254 stream with low bandwidth usage.

If you wanted to try it, I would recommend finding a second SD card, or a USB stick or something and just swapping them over. The Pi 4 can certainly automatically boot from USB, and I think other Pi's can as well.