New RPi Zero V2, Ender 3 V2 mount

Just received my first RPi Zero Version 2 and I love it. I installed Octopi and it's running great! I just modeled (In Blender) a case, chassis clip and armature for the camera to use on an Ender 3 v2.


What about the vibrations? Is the camera stable so far?

Really good question. I do see a little vibration but since OctoLapse is a series of still images it isn't noticeable so far. Everything snaps together and is modular so I may make a snap on crossmember support. I could also make the base and rail clip extend out more and wrap around to the front. The issue is it would have to be out front enough and high enough to clear the bed and any big pieces. I could also just use just the short arm segments for a more stable but side angle of view.

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Fixed it added a pneumatic shock from a pickup truck. :grinning:


lol :thumbsup: now you got an all terrain cam mount


What is this part?

looks like a switch

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one of the worst ideas for a pi running off of SD card. make sure to use the system menu option Shutdown System in OctoPrint's web interface prior to turning that off.

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I'm glad that we can do that via action commands now

Yep RPi power supply with switch.

I turn it off once every month or two. I have been pretty lucky with just switching the power off. I have not had any problems yet, though I regularly backup to desktop.

If you don't shutdown the RPi before powering off, it is not a matter of if but a matter of when the filesystem on the SD card will get corrupted.

I have these switches on most of my RPi systems because most are sitting on a table top and before I had the switches, the unplugged wire would slip behind the table onto the floor more often than I can count!

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Yes I have had that problem with other RPi projects. But with my Rpi 3 which I have run Octoprint on for close to 2 years I never shutdown, I always just power off and never had a problem. I also have a bunch of RPi Zeros running video loopers for mulimedia projects that are never gracefully shutdown always just unplugged, and never had a problem with them. That said I have another RPi running Volumio and if I cut power without first shutting down the file system it will get corrupted about 80% of the time. I think it has to do with how the linux base install and running applications are configured to use virtual memory.

I think it's more a thing of coincidence. The moment when the OS is writing something to the SD card and you pull the plug, problems will occur.

If you have no problems for a long time, you are lucky. That does not mean it will not occur at all.

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Where can I download this design ?