New ZWave safety plugin?

I have a thought for a plugin that would interface directly with ZWaveJS. I have HomeAssistant set up as a VM, using ZWaveJS on a Raspberry Pi that HA interfaces with over the network, and for my 3d printer, I have a ZWave switch running it.

The thought is you set it up to connect to ZWaveJS, rather than going through HomeAssistant (I see there is a home assistant plugin, but it doesn't appear to have my thought in mind), and with octoprint monitoring temperatures, you would set a max temperature for hotends and the bed, and should they exceed the temperature you set, Octoprint sends a command to ZWaveJS to turn the switch powering the printer off. The idea is if something were to fail on, causing a thermal runaway, Octoprint in its native form could try to shut things down, but if it's a hardware fault that caused a relay or mosfet to fail closed, so power can't be cut to the device, you'd need to cut all power. That's where my thought comes in. If such a runaway should occur, Octoprint can send the command to ZWaveJS, turning the outlet off, ending the runaway.


If you have it linked to HA, you could just use PSU Control and the Home Assistant sub-plugin.

Assuming the documentation is good you could just create your own sub-plugin to communicate using zwavejs I suppose.

There might be better python module options that would integrate easier though maybe. Like or