Octo-Streamer - OBS Streaming Integration

Hi i would like to announce the release of my latest software.

This application is a windows based program that communicates with your OctoPrint server and sends information to streaming files within Octo-Streamer that then allows you to add those values to your stream eg: filename, hotend / bed temps, time to print, and so forth in realtime.

This application was designed for streamers who wish to add additional data to their stream as well as their cameras.

To find out more & to download the application just head over to https://github.com/dualznz/Octo-Streamer

V0.0.3 - 2021.08.20

  • Added installer
  • Changed storage of connection from Application based to registry based (allows for easy updating)
  • General code cleanup

Animation of the values within OBS

Enjoy :grinning: