I would like to use OctuBuddy and have built the corresponding housing with the buttons.
But now I have problems:
If I connect just one button to my Raspi, the corresponding function works fine, no matter which one.
when I connect more than 2 or 3 switches (or all) to the raspi, i have the problem: Every time I press a switch, not only the corresponding function is executed, but always one two others as well.
To be more precise: it always executes the functions of the two neighbouring pins as well.
Example with the default setting:
I press Z+ (pin 31). Then X-(pin 29), Z+(pin 31), Z-(pin 33) are executed one after the other.
Or I press Y- (pin 21). Then Y+(pin 19), Y-(pin 21) and X+ (pin 23) are executed.
Always in ascending pin order.
I have tested it with 2 Raspberries: with a Raspberry 2 B+ and with a Raspi 3 B.
And I tried it with a circuit on the fly on a breadboard and with my finished OctoBuddy case, with the same result.
What could be the reason for this?
Do I need any special setting in the config.txt of my Raspi-SD-card?
Thanks in advance