OctoKlipper can not find klippy.log and puts klipper on stabndby.

I am trying to run Octoprint with octoklipper and I can not control the printer. When octoprint launches I get a flash of an error that when I catch it reads " OctoKlipper: OctoKlipper Settings File:/tmp/klippy.log
does not exist!" When I run in safe mode it connects to the printer and I can move, read sensors and send files to print but no klipper plug in. Fluid and Mainsail are running and have klipy.log listed in Other files (fluid) and Log files (mainsail). I am not savy in linux but googles my way to running readlink and finding the path to klippy.log and C&P the new path in octoklipper but no dice. changed it back. Any ideas?

octoprint-systeminfo-20240128155555.zip (415.8 KB)

Hello @boyago !

OctoKlipper is not meant to "find" the klippy.log

You have to SSH into OctoPi and you find it at



You also can use WinSCP


For further Klipper questions I recommend the Klipper forum:


Have you setup Klipper manually, using OctoKlipperPi or by using KIAUH?

I installed using KIAUH. When I ssh into my pi I find the klippy.log in /home/jade/printer_data/comms/klippy.serial. When I paste that path into the octopi settings klippy.log path that error goes away but still does not connect.

and this is where I changed and then reverted the path to klippy.log
utoh,.. to new to post more than one embed I'll try another post.

utoh, posting too fast.

What are you connecting to? - What port? -

Not sure I understand what your asking, Octoprint is set up on a Raspi4B, KIAUH set up octoprint with port 5000 and my serial port in octoprint is set to auto and has 3 additional serial ports listed in additional ports. MCU is a Fystec spider V3

OctoPrint with Klipper works different:

Sorry im trying to understand which port you are asking for. The serial port in Octoklipper settings is /tmp/printer. is that what you are asking?