Octolapse - Can't save new profile

So I wanted to give Octolapse a go for the first time, so I just downloaded and installed this plugin today.

Went to set it up by following the instructions and create a new profile for my printer, but it won't let me click on the "save" button to create the new printer profile. I tried other printer options and nothing seems to work.

Running Octoprint 1.5.2 and Octopi 0.17

Edit: Okay, if I leave the "Import Printer" option blank, it saves a new profile, it's only when I use the downloaded profiles in the "Import Printer" section seems to cause the issue.

Hi Greg,

please try temporary solution:

  1. Go to plugins -> PreetyGCode and disable this plugin.
  2. Restart Octoprint
  3. Go to Octolapse settings
  4. Choose your printer profile
  5. Save your printer profile.

After disabling this plugin, were you able to save printer profile in Octolapse?

Actually, hadn't had a chance to comment yet, but I went and removed a few plugins, PrettyGCode being one of them, the other being a live stream plugin.

Wasn't sure which one fixed the issue, but sounds like you confirmed it being the PrettyGcode plugin.

I'm able to run it now. Trying it on my first print now.