OctoPrint and IDEX printer

I figured it out!

This printer is a Dual X Carriage and this particular setting isn't stored in the EEPROM.

Adding this to the slicer ( My case Cura ) Printer startup G-Code.
M605 S1 ;Set Printer Mode to DUAL_X_CARRIAGE

Next issue I ran into was the second extruder wasn't lined up exactly in X-Y-Z so adding This to the printer start up G-Code after the above allowed me to my prints just right.
M218 T1 X356.40 Y2.20 Z0.000 ; Set T1 Offset
This seems to be the starting position of the second extruder.

I worked hard to get the Z between the heads to be very close.

Now I am able to print using two colors!

But I hope this helps someone else!

Next steps are to test duplication and mirror modes.