Octoprint Enclosure Temperature Setup

Hi Everyone,

I posted this on Prusa's forum but not getting any responses. Here is what I posted.

"Just got my first printer (Prusa i3 mk3). I have a RPI 3b+ and an LCD with Octoprint/Octodash installed. Everything works, but I'm unable to see the enclosure temperature. All the required plugins are installed.

From what I've read, the Einsy board has a built in ambient temperature sensor that I possible could be using to display enclosure temperature on the Octodash LCD.

Does anyone have step by step instructions on how to get this to display? Or do I have to wire a separate temperature sensor to the RPI GPIO pins and go that route?"

Is anyone able to give me any pointers?

Thanks for the help

From https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/prusa-specific-g-codes_112173:

M105 - Report temperatures M105: Get Extruder Temperature
Prints temperatures:

 - Hotend (actual / target)
 - Bed (actual / target)
 - x Tool (actual / target)
 - Hotend power
 - Bed power
 - PINDAv2 actual (only MK2.5/s and MK3/s)
 - Ambient actual (only MK3/s)

ok T:20.2 /0.0 B:19.1 /0.0 T0:20.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 P:19.8 A:26.4
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Darn, you have been faster :slight_smile:

The enclosure plugin may have to be modified to pick up the A: parameter of the M105 temperature report.

However, I wonder about the usefulness of this "ambient" temperature. Unless there's a thermistor external to the Einsy board that can be positioned inside of the enclosure or the enclosure contains the board, I wonder if this reported temperature is actually useful.

I know if I were building an enclosure I would take great care to keep the electronics outside of it.

I believe there is a temp sensor on the board, which is in its own enclosure that is mounted on the left side of frame. I agree it may be smothered by wires and the case but close enough for me.

Sorry, I’m new to coding, but I’m not sure how to do what you mentioned. Do I get the firmware, change those settings and reflash the Einsy or can it be done a different way.

Almost sounds easier connections a separate temp sensor to the GPIO pins on RPI

My plugin Top temp supports displaying these but I have only found one tester so if anyone will try it would be great.

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