I really miss being able to use Octoprint. My Artillery Sidewinder X2 recent had unknown hardware issues, where unable to home, among other failure. I replaced the obvious parts but ended up replacing the printer with a Bambu Lab A1. I just assumed that it would work with Octoprint, but it apparently will not. I read in a forum a while ago that hinted at someone developing a plugin but cannot find it. Is anyone else going through Octoprint withdrawal?
I'm in early stages of creating a plugin. Have file listing, monitoring, and print control working. I have uploads working for my X1C but the A1 and P1 devices might require some work. @synman has his A1 camera embedding in OctoPrint via plugin, but it's limited to 2 fps last I saw. I was able to proxy my X1C camera at pretty good quality.
With the A1/P1 printers there are some caveats to the connection that will only allow one at a time, so if the slicer is looking at the printer info the plugin I've made would disconnect and stop updating.
Here some information on that matter
irrelevant to this discussion.
Is there any progress in your work? We A1 owners are looking forward to it
Right now I'm pretty sure file listing and starting/monitoring/canceling prints are possible with the A1, but no-one has formally verified that. Feel free to install the plugin and try. The only thing outstanding right now for A1/P1 devices is the ability to upload files IIRC.
Edit: Link to repository.
Latest version can be installed by copying/pasting the URL below into plugin manager > get more > ...from URL and clicking install.
Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
Performing autodetection with 7 port/baudrate candidates: BAMBU@115200, BAMBU@250000, BAMBU@230400, BAMBU@57600, BAMBU@38400, BAMBU@19200, BAMBU@9600
Trying port BAMBU, baudrate 115200
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port BAMBU, baudrate 115200 from hook bambu_printer: ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'pybambu'' @ comm.py:_open_serial:3920
Could not open port BAMBU, baudrate 115200, skipping
Trying port BAMBU, baudrate 250000
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port BAMBU, baudrate 250000 from hook bambu_printer: ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'pybambu'' @ comm.py:_open_serial:3920
Could not open port BAMBU, baudrate 250000, skipping
Trying port BAMBU, baudrate 230400
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port BAMBU, baudrate 230400 from hook bambu_printer: ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'pybambu'' @ comm.py:_open_serial:3920
Could not open port BAMBU, baudrate 230400, skipping
Trying port BAMBU, baudrate 57600
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port BAMBU, baudrate 57600 from hook bambu_printer: ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'pybambu'' @ comm.py:_open_serial:3920
Could not open port BAMBU, baudrate 57600, skipping
Trying port BAMBU, baudrate 38400
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port BAMBU, baudrate 38400 from hook bambu_printer: ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'pybambu'' @ comm.py:_open_serial:3920
Could not open port BAMBU, baudrate 38400, skipping
Trying port BAMBU, baudrate 19200
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port BAMBU, baudrate 19200 from hook bambu_printer: ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'pybambu'' @ comm.py:_open_serial:3920
Could not open port BAMBU, baudrate 19200, skipping
Trying port BAMBU, baudrate 9600
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port BAMBU, baudrate 9600 from hook bambu_printer: ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'pybambu'' @ comm.py:_open_serial:3920
Could not open port BAMBU, baudrate 9600, skipping
Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Error"
Changing monitoring state from "Error" to "Offline after error"
Plugin installed without any problems. I use MQTT-Explorer to check connection and it's working, but no on OctoPi
I looked at the log again while installing the plugin and noticed this error:
Oh yeah, I had to patch pybambu because it was only python 3.10+ compatible. You can potentially manually install the patched version from their latest updates on the repo as they haven't released a new version with the changes yet.
SSH to the pi and run these commands.
source ~/oprint/bin/activate
pip install https://codeload.github.com/greghesp/pybambu/zip/refs/heads/main
sudo service octoprint restart
one thing I know about the A1 is that it only allows one MQTT connection at a time, so make sure you don't have any thing else connected while using the OctoPrint integration.
I installed OctoPi from scratch with 3.9.2 python. Then I installed the "pybambu 1.0" plugin and yours. This error occurred:
That's why I installed dateutli via SSH:
but i still get error "No module named 'dateutil' "
Do you have any idea what to do next?
It working now
I install "dateutill" after this command : source ~/oprint/bin/activate
Yeah, this is necessary to install the module inside the virtualenv that OctoPrint is running inside. Glad you were able to figure it out. Please do leave feedback on how it's working for you. I know there are still lots of quirks I'm sure, but should be a decent starting point.
Actually looks like the pybambu project released version 1.0.1, so I'll be updating the requirements on the plugin side to match. That should make this install process a lot less painful.
I dont see any files on SD card
When I try to print via OctoPrint it's shows:

% of print increases but nothing happens
Yeah, the integration will not work with "local" files and trying to send a gcode line at a time the way it works with other printers. The integration mimics SD card printing. When you connect to BAMBU in OctoPrint is when it should generate the file listing to display inside the interface. Watch the terminal tab while pressing the connect button. You can also enable debug logging for the two bambu items listed in the logging section of OctoPrint for better troubleshooting and check octoprint.log for any additional errors.
Thank you @jneilliii for all your efforts!
Looking forward to using octoprint with my A1, which I will be getting once they are available again.
Currently my Neptune 3 is connected via USB, A1 doesnt have a usb.
How do you connect even, maybe @doman can elaborate?
It uses the Wi-Fi connection to the A1.
I got confirmation last night that file listing is working from @synman. He is looking into the upload bits for me as he developed his own monitoring solution and python module.