Octoprint for Bambu Lab A1 support available?

With the recent PR to support any gcode commands, and picking up G26 S0 on print cancel, if you set SD cancel command back to M25 (or blank) the cancel command is working now and I'm able to cancel and start new prints normally. These changes are released as version 0.0.11.

Many thanks for the updates.

At this stage, the basic user I am, my only gripes would be a communication error on startup, not sure if playing with timeouts will help that, but basically with every startup Octoprint cannot autoconnect, timeout error. When connecting manually its mostly stable from what limited time I tested. (pi is connected via cable, router aint far away from printer)

The other small thing would be the slicer thumbnails, not really an issue, just miss them :slight_smile:

Would be great to have some folder management with uploads, but I guess that would need some kind of a middle-man to re-route files to specified folders on upload.

Post issue on repo with details, logs, etc. I haven't seen this issue myself.

As for the folder management and thumbnails I've considered using OctoPrint local storage and overriding the start print API, but it would take a ton of work to accomplish.

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Hi! I have been trying to get this plugin working with my X1C on a fresh install on Octopi. It looks like it appears to make a connection but after a period of time I get the following error: "INFO - Communication timeout while idle, trying to trigger response from printer." In the logs, I see a number of the following alerts from pybambu: "pybambu - WARNING - On Disconnect: Disconnected from Broker: 5" I posted my logs in the github issues as a reference. . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Dear [jneilliii]
I tried to connect my X1CC of the Chinese region with the X1Plus firmware (based on 01.07.02), and it worked! This is amazing! Thank you very much!

Where can I read how to connect the built-in camera to the octoprint? initially, just a black screen

I don't have any documentation on it, but the way I've set it up is by using go2rtc running in the background to transcode the rtsp stream into HLS that OctoPrint can understand. This is my config for go2rtc.

    bambu_camera: rtspx://bblp:<access_code>@<printer-ip>/streaming/live/1

Thank you, I went to study this issue
Where did you get so much information about the bambu system, is it publicly available?

There's an issue on their GitHub for bambu studio that covers the rtsp stuff. Most of the information I used for the plugin was from OpenBambuAPI/mqtt.md at 5dab0a4e79133b76203f68b6b36f244f41339027 Β· Doridian/OpenBambuAPI Β· GitHub and the home assistant integration project.

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I managed to set up a stream in this format, maybe it will be useful to someone

now I'm going to try to put this in an octoprint

When I used that before with go2rtc it would fail. rtpspx means to not validate the certificate.

If you go to the go2rtc Web interface and click links next to your steam, right click the modern day HLS one and copy, then paste that into steam URL of classic webcam settings.

Thanks again, everything is ok!
the only thing I had to leave the port in the link :322

how else would I add a Snapshot URL
the answer: is sudo apt install -y ffmpeg
and copy the ffmpeg link

I'm happy, thank you all, I'm going to print something.

jneilliii, please tell me which ports are used to connect to the printer? I only know about 990 for ftp connection

That and 1883 for mqtt.

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It sounds like octoprint is what I have been looking for. Can someone please confirm what it can do before I follow the white rabbit.

I have a Bambu labs X1C I want to be able to que up prints. and reorder them to finish at a good time to change bed. with a simple interface to tell a non tech person how to change the bed.

My understanding is octoprint can do that. Lots of plug ins that do lots of other things.
if it can do that, can someone point me in the right direction to get started with octoprint. The links I have found so far are about an issue and missing the info to get started.

thanks for any comments.

The plugin I've been working on will allow for controlling and monitoring prints from OctoPrint but I'm not sure if any of the plugins that would do queue management would work in conjunction with it because it emulates an SD card. If continuous print plugin (for example) works with SD card files then it would be technically possible to achieve the queueing.

On a side note, I know the Simply Print guys are currently in round 2 of beta testing Bambu integration and they also have print queueing in their solution. May be a possible alternative.

thank you. that is the type of comment I had hoped. I will check out simply print.

Sure it can. Continues printing: I use it 24/7 on my snapmaker. After printing the print head do a cleaning print bed move (push the object with print head) and start the next (same) print.

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Been using this for the last week or so on my p1p, and I'm quite impressed. Everything works pretty smoothly (once I figured out the serial number in the setup was ACTUALLY the serial number, and not number that Orca slicer identifies the printer as), and even got the camera working well with go2rtc-bambu which transcodes the funky jpegs into a stream.

If I can put out a wish list for additional things, it would be:

  • Be able to pull the gcode for the target print back into octoprint via ftps so that anything that does gcode analysis will work properly (print time genius, preheat button, gcode viewer, etc.
  • Able to access machine generated timelapse files on the printer (/timelapse on the SD card)
  • ... Really I think that's about it. Everything else just seems to work.

Anyway, fantastic work and thanks.

doesnt work for me
A1 Mini
dial TCP {ip} connection refused

From what I've heard of the A1 camera, I'm not surprised. It seems they use something different. @synman worked it out on his A1 (not mini, but might work for you) like this: https://github.com/synman/bambu-go2rtc. He did say the fps was horrible.