Octoprint in VMware?

I ask myself: What has a camera to do with a proper print?
The camera is just for observation.

I can elaborate on that but that's not really the point of this topic, those are my own requirements and I just mentioned it as a reason why I didn't test an actual print

I see.

But if you put much effort into getting the cam running and realize afterwards you can't print.

Just a matter of how you test things out.
For me I want to move away from my Raspberry to the NUC. VMWare would be optimal because then I can use the NUC for other things as well. The Raspberry currently has two connected camera's. My requirements are to move everything over to the Ubuntu VM as is. First tried connecting stuff, printer was connecting, camera wasn't. Actually printing would be my next step. I noticed feedback that any printing issues where fixed with using CPU and MEM reservations, so I am not to worried about it for now.
If I would have first put effort and time in testing different (bigger) prints and monitor if everything would be stable, and only then connected the camera, that would have been a showstopper for me aswell and probably wasted more time in the end.

Ahh, yes.

I wish you success!

If it shows up in lsusb I don't see why it wouldn't be able to be used. I assume that you installed a camera streamer software inside the VM?

I used the octoprint_deploy script and troubleshooted it with Paul Who is providing support. We tried all the options he had, but hé was also not able to get it to work, the ustreamer process is active as Well, still “no signal”