It may be necessary to run a G28
for all motors after each power off. It's typical to do this, set the movement mode to absolute-positioning and then to zero things with a G92
as I recall. Then, your printer knows what's what and can deal with it.
Otherwise, how would the printer know where HOME is and be able to do anything from there? I've seen printers that won't do any G0/G1 commands until it's been homed.
Yes I'm aware of the need to home before G29 (or anything else that might crash it). I left out that homing works fine, and I G28 before G29 always. This was a truly vaporous problem to diagnose, and it may have actually uncovered a bug with the TMC library. So I added an issue to teemautlut's github in case this info might be helpful. For now, anytime I see an ola or olb flag from my tmc2130's, I'll know to check all the motor connections. Would be nice though, if those flags were a bit more predictable, and I want to know why it flagged open loop at the exact same place every time.
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