Octoprint web portal now returning IOS's portal on Mac Monterey

Since last updates, when connecting to Octoprint 1.8.4 on my Raspberry from Mac Monterey 12.6 and Safari 16.0, the web portal and pages designed for IOS is returned instead of the classic web portal for MacOS or Windows computers.
Everything is working properly but the question is whether this new interface is from now on, the only one available when working on computer workstations ? Should be optional as some features like "Delete printed file" are not available on the smartphone's gui. Is it really so ?

There is no alternative UI that's built in to OctoPrint, so whatever you are seeing must be a 3rd party app or plugin you've installed.

Ok, OctoPOD has been installed to enable Octopus's control from smartphones.
Anyway, I am wondering why the web server considers that Safari requests are coming from smartphones even from Mac computers. When surfing with Firefox, the right UI is returned.
This is not a problem, but one must know that Firefox must be used on the latest Macs instead of Safari to get the right UI.

Could you please check your user agent on this site https://www.whatsmyua.info/ and post the output here?

Can you send a screenshot of what the UI looks like when you browse from safari as well?

Here is the screenshot !

Should you like other info, just let me know :slight_smile:

That is the TouchUI GUI:

You can turn it off via the icon on the top right:


Here it is !

What's my user agent.pdf.zip (62.1 KB)