Octoprint with Logitech C905 webcam problem

a total noob to octoprint I just ran into the same problem as you did trying to get my Logitech C905 (quickcam pro notebooks 046d:0991) to work on what seems to be the latest stable release OctoPI 0.17.0

Tried all avenues to fix what looked like incompatibilities with autofocus and maybe other features of that cam. Attempted to disable those by using v4l2-ctl, uvcdynctrl or playing with mjpg-streamer parameters - no joy.

Shortly before giving up I reverted to 1.15.1 as suggested in this thread and sure enough the cam worked right away. It seems to max out at 960x720 @15 fps but picture quality is good.

I did notice that in 0.17.0 I had two video devices showing up whereas in 0.15.1 there's only one.
These cams have good lenses and it would be a shame if they couldn't be used anymore in new versions Octoprint.

Unfortunately fixing that problem is out of my league but I'd be happy to test should anyone care to investigate the issue

I too am both new to Octoprint and cannot get my Logitech C905 to work on my OctoPi (RPi3B+).
OctoPrint 1.6.1 Python 3.7.3 OctoPi 0.18.0.

I have tried for 2 days and could not figure out why it wasn't working.
The C905 works fine on a Windows PC.
I tried my main PC cam (Logitech C920 HD Pro) on the RPi3B+ Octopi and that worked fine first try.

Anyone have any ideas on how to get the C905 working?
It is a wee bit old, but it is a nice little cam w/ a nice little stand almost perfect for small bed printers, and I would love to get it working and not have to fork out $20+ just for another cheap webcam. :confused:

We probably won't have any ideas until you provide us with more details. There are 20+ other posts in this topic which either ask for or supply additional details. Do yourself a favor and do the same.

Same or similar problem as the other posts.

The camera streams either solid black or solid white.
It does appear to be streaming, but Octopi's webcam test buttons don't confirm it.
The camera works fine on a PC and Mac.

I have tried all resolutions listed by lsusb and lower frame rates in the /boot/octopi.txt file, both with and without the "-y" switch.

I went ahead and bought a $30 1080p camera with an integrated light and it works great.

Too bad for me that the first camera I tried and spent 2 days trying to get to work was one of the problematic ones.
Lesson learned.