Octorelay puts all GPIO pins on high

Hi, I want to use octorelay to control the printer power and a light. But I can't get the plugin to work.
When I install the plugin It puts the GPIO pins on high and I have no control over them. I've tried changing all sorts of settings an reïnstalling, reïnstalling python, updating and upgrading the system through SHH, but noting works.

Does anyone know what could be causing this?
octoprint-systeminfo-20240829093108.zip (143.6 KB)

I have tried the GPIO Control plugin, but the same thing happens. As soon as I try this plugin, all pins go to high, and I can't controll them with the buttons

OK, now I'm trying to drive the gpios with the raspi-gpio library functions.
I use GPIO 18 (pin 12). It is by default on input mode. When I switch it to output it immediatly drives the pin to high.
The command "raspi-gpio set 18 op pd dl" should set the pin to low and indeed I get "GPIO 18: level=0 fsel=1 func=OUTPUT pull=DOWN" but it doesn't drive the pin low. It stays high.
Maybe there is something wrong with the output control of my RPI board? All pins behave the same way

OK, it seems my relay is behanving strangely. The relay switches to "ON" even when I connect the "in" to ground. The GPIO pins on the rpi work like they should.

Hello @Tom_Van_Gaever !

What type of relay is it?

Relay modules are usually active LOW so that behaviour is expected

This one: 5 V 1 2 4 8-Kanal-Relaismodul mit Optokoppler. Relaisausgang 1 2 4 8-Wege-Relaismodul für Arduino - AliExpress

But it also switches on when I put 3.3v on the "IN" pin. Should I put 5v on the "IN" pin to switch it of?

Depends very much on what outputs you use.


Provided voltage on the IN pin (either 3.3V or 5V) turn the relay on.
No voltage (0V) turn it off.

You can see it here:

With no controlling voltage, the middle connector and the lower one are connected (NC - Normally Closed).
With controlling voltage the middle on and the upper one are connected (NO - Normally Open)

The relay module has a 5V operating voltage so may not operate reliably with the Pi's 3.3V GPIOs. Make sure the grounds on relay module and Pi are connected together. The relay module IS active LOW.

Thanks, I'll order some 3.3V relays. I understand the NO and NC contacts. I tought if I would supply it with 5V, it would switch with the 3.3V from the gpio pins, apparently not.