Part Cooling Fan Speed control

I have two printers, a Wanhao i3 which has manual fan speed control overriding gcode to some degree via the control knob. I also have a Creality CR10s Pro v2 which lacks anything beyond fan on/off control.

Octoprint used to have a plug in that sent fan speed via a slider and on/off to the printer, no feedback obviously but it worked really well once understood, a bit like there is no feedback for FlowRate and FeedRate.

Is anything like this available now? it is sorely missed .

you could add a custom control under the Control tab.
For that you need to modify the .octoprint\config.yaml:

-   children:
    -   command: M106 S%(speed)s
        -   default: 255
            name: Speed (0-255)
            parameter: speed
        name: Enable Fan
        type: parametric_command
    name: Printing Controls
    type: section

Further, Marlin usually has fan speed control under temperature menu.

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Thanks for responding.

I'm not that experienced, ... Edit, found .octoprint it and added to bottom of the config.yaml file

EDIT: I tried entering the script at the end, the server would not start, so I guess I'm doing something wrong!? Where do I put the script, does it matter?

I am aware of the part cooling fan speed control on the Wanhao i3 box in hardware/firmware but not for the Creality CR10S Pro V2, it seems to just have on/off via the touch screen.

Try it with two space indentation:

- children:
  - command: M106 S%(speed)s
    - default: 255
      name: Speed (0-255)
      parameter: speed
    name: Enable Fan
    type: parametric_command
  name: Printing Controls
  type: section

In OctoPrint 1.6.0 the indentation level was switched back to two spaces.

Edit: still not entirely sure. Maybe:

- children:
  - command: M106 S%(speed)s
    - default: 255
      name: Speed (0-255)
      parameter: speed
    name: Enable Fan
    type: parametric_command
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the config above is from 1.5.3.

let me check with latest version... looking at the latest doc the is "one tab" shift config.yaml β€” OctoPrint master documentation

  - name: Fan
    layout: horizontal
      - name: Enable Fan
        type: parametric_command
        command: M106 S%(speed)s
          - name: Speed (0-255)
            parameter: speed
            default: 255
      - name: Disable Fan
        type: command
        command: M107

Brilliant, thank you so much. It works a treat with the Wanhao i3, not tested on the CR10sProv2 yet as it is busy printing.

Why is this not standard, it seems daft its not an included part of Octoprint.

Min speed for fan activation for me is 35. fan starts and stops with ease.