I'm actually having a weird delay in generating the snapshot for Octolapse. Within Octoprint the stream is snappy and responsive, and removing the camera settings plugin reenables autofocus which is also working great in the stream. The V3 can focus up much more closely than most of the webcams I've tried.
The issue is that there's a long delay in aquiring the snapshot for Octolapse that seems to be much longer than any other camera I've used.
I've tried editing settings for snapshot/stream in both octoprint and Octolapse but I haven't been able to reduce the delay in acquiring the snapshot to a usable level. This thread has been great in helping me troubleshoot but this is beyond me.
My timelapses are the same as you. I tried to increase the snap delay in octolapse with no sucess. I even increased it to 5000ms with no luck. The snap are always inconsistent, some are timed and other are after the 5000ms pause before snap.
My camera setting plugin too is desabled.
So I've seen the v3 Camera working happily in octoprint on the Rpi 3A+, fast response time, but only at 0.1fps in obico. I presume octolapse would be fine as it uses the same mechanism as octoprint. Curious where obico falls down... Guess we're a bit ahead of the curve regarding 3rd party software support
Obico normally runs it's own streaming setup to power the 25fps streaming to their service. This won't be compatible with libcamera, but if you install camera-streamer using the instructions here and then switch Obico to 'compatibility mode' then it might work.
Any sense where I can look to see when this support will be in a version of Octoprint by default? I'd rather not go through a whole process that may be updated later anyway.
@Charlie_Powell has already started working on a libcamera plugin that incorporates these changes and will be usable in OctoPrint 1.9.0, which splits the webcam features out into a plugin.
Don't count on it being available in OctoPi for a little while - as the cameras require the use of libcamera, all old streaming software is not compatible with them. camera-streamer is a new project, and Arducam have forked mjpg streamer to provide libcamera compatibility, but there is no guarantee that either of them will be included by default 'soon'.
The process described with the script above is dead easy, I would recommend doing it.
Don't rely on the plugin that @jneilliii has posted being available for a little while either, as I might not have the time to finish it!
I can follow instructions well enough but installing a nightly build is concerning given the risk for other potential issues introduced. A plugin model is easy enough to enable/disable, but have some worry using anything other than the main stream image. I appreciate you doing this at all! I just don't want to risk having any downtime.
I will also note that regardless of what you do you'll need newer software than the 0.18 OctoPi image. Even if there is a plugin that sets up the streaming (mine is just an experiment) then it still needs the 1.0.0 image to start with.
back when querying libcamera, but in Octoprint I can't seem to get a preview image, is there another thing I need to config that I am missing other than the shell script and restarts?
I've managed to get 1080p video and snapshots working. Still haven't had a chance to investigate the octolapse delay issues though. Here is a new version of the ExecStart command for the .service file that activates continuous auto focus and the higher resolution. (I still haven't got to updating the cam3install script, but I plan to later this weekend.
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/camera-streamer \
-camera-path=/base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx708@1a \
-camera-type=libcamera \
; YUYV offers best quality in camera-streamer
-camera-format=YUYV \
-camera-width=1920 -camera-height=1080 \
; 4608 (H) Γ 2592 is full res - don't know how to enable it
; frame rate 30 for North America. 25 may work better in 50Hz countries
-camera-fps=30 \
; use two memory buffers to optimise usage
-camera-nbufs=2 \
; high-res video is 1920x1080
; high-res snapshot is 1920x1056
-camera-high_res_factor=1 \
; the low-res is 960x512
-camera-low_res_factor=2 \
; Enable Continuous Autofocus
-camera-options=AfMode=2 \
-camera-options=AfRange=2 \
I also removed the -rtsp-port option as I don't use the rtsp stream.
I don't know why one has the streamer url and one has the webcam path. That seems odd, but I just copied it from my active installation. I think the stream url should be
If you want to check the stream without Octoprint, you can access it directly with http://octopi:8080/
[ Updated to strike out my mistaken comment about the streamer URL. - Thanks @jneillii ]
definitely not. the stream url /webcam/?action=stream is through haproxy as relative path and gets redirected to on the server side. If you were to change your stream URL to that full path using it will not work because that's a reference to the local machine and would try to load the webcam from the device connecting to the web interface. It works for snapshot because the server downloads the image from itself and is what is used for timelapse.
Right, and I should've known that. I was thinking that it was octoprint accessing the stream rather than the client directly.
I didn't know about the webcam redirect URL however. Thanks for that info.