Plugin Development - WARNING - Plugin XYZ can't be compiled under Python 3.7.3 due to invalid syntax

I'm following the plugin development tutorial on this page xxx but I'm getting this error in the logs:

WARNING - Plugin XYZ can't be compiled under Python 3.7.3 due to invalid syntax

This is both the case whether I put in the plugin folder or whether I run the octoprint dev plugin:install command

Any ideas what's happening here?

Invalid syntax means there's something wrong with the code you've written, maybe a typo or missing character.

If you can't find it yourself, upload the file you've created so we can see.

I literally copy/pasted the code off the page

I should also mention that I was able to get this to work last week on the same machine tho with a lot of troubleshooting... so last night i sat down to do it again to learn the concepts and this time I'm getting this problem which is new.

Here's my code:


-- coding: utf-8 --

from future import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import octoprint.plugin

class DampooPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin,
def on_after_startup(self):"Hello World! (more: %s)" % self._settings.get(["url"]))

def get_settings_defaults(self):
    return dict(url="")

def get_template_configs(self):
    return [
    dict(type="navbar", custom_bindings=False),
    dict(type="settings", custom_bindings=False),
    dict(type="sidebar", custom_bindings=True)

plugin_name = "OctoPrint-Dampoo"
plugin_version = "1.0.0"
plugin_description = "Let's Damp it together for OctoPrint"
plugin_pythoncompat = ">=2.7,<4"
plugin_implementation = DampooPlugin()

octoprint.log (20.9 KB)

for some reason I can't paste my code here properly and it won't let me upload - here it is again in raw format

-- coding: utf-8 --

from future import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import octoprint.plugin

class DampooPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin,
def on_after_startup(self):"Hello World! (more: %s)" % self._settings.get(["url"]))

def get_settings_defaults(self):
    return dict(url="")

def get_template_configs(self):
    return [
    dict(type="navbar", custom_bindings=False),
    dict(type="settings", custom_bindings=False),
    dict(type="sidebar", custom_bindings=True)

plugin_name = "OctoPrint-Dampoo"
plugin_version = "1.0.0"
plugin_description = "Let's Damp it together for OctoPrint"
plugin_pythoncompat = ">=2.7,<4"
plugin_implementation = DampooPlugin()

This could be just due to how it was pasted into the post here, but it looks like your on_after_startup function is missing indentation.

Here's the code in pastebin:

and looks like you're right; i'm missing the ] at the end!