Plugin download statistics


I want to share/discuss my solution about visualization of download statistics on my plugin homepage.

Example could be found here:
The solution is based on the following steps

  1. Create badge-image: done via
  2. Provide endpoint for download statistics: done via github rest api
  3. Create downloadable plugin artifact (a.k.a release asset): manually or via
  4. Change the pip-download url in your plugin

1 ) provides pre-defined badges, static or dynamic image creation.
I use the following urls (see in example repo for markdown)

Pre-defined for total downloads:

Two dynamic images for latest version-name and release-date:$[0].name$[0].published_at

You need the following information: github api-endpoint and a json path query to select the correct information.

query: $[0].published_at

Description how to use this could be found here:

2 ) The GitHub API ( provides several information about the releases. You need to filter the response via JSON-Path and put it into the image-url (see above)

BUT the biggest pain in the ... is, that the response only provides download-counts for assets and not for the source zip file (/archive/{target_version}.zip is not counted).
So, it is necessary to create an release asset zip-file of the current sourcecode.

3 ) You can do this manually or by
In my case the travis build is triggerd when I push something to the repo. The build creates an zip-file of the current master branch, creates a pre-release and attach the zip file as “” to the pre-release as an asset.

It was a little bit tricky to update an release, but thank google this problem could be solved.
If you need more info about the build-job just let me know or look into the example.

4 ) Normally the pip upload url looks like this:
You need to change it to:

##~~ Softwareupdate hook
def get_update_information(self):

Now, if you push (merge) some data (e.g. with new version-number) travis execute the build and creates a pre-release. Octoprint didn’t recognizes this, because it is a pre-release (default-behavior).

You need to create the release manual, by editing the pre-release via the github ui.
After you released the version, Octoprint detects the new version, download/install it and the download badge counter on the plugin homepage is increased (could take 1-3 minutes).

What do you think?

1 Like

It looks really cool, dude. I think I'm only doing one similar thing with my octo-client package which looks like...

<img src="" />

That seems a bit easy compared to what you had to do with Travis. I must be getting lazy in my old age. :laugh:

That thing is pretty slick, but can't tell if it includes download counts.