[Plugin] OctoPrint Internal Slicer

Hello! Today I'm launching my new OctoPrint Internal Slicer plugin and would love some feedback :slight_smile:

GitHub - Garr-Garr/OctoPrint-InternalSlicer: A full-blown GUI-based slicer plugin for OctoPrint

I've basically merged the OctoPrint-Slic3r plugin with the same fancy GUI from the (now abandoned) OctoPrint-Slicer plugin, allowing users to slice parts again on their Raspberry Pi. My current release is fully functional and should be a smoother / simpler setup process.

I can happily report that PrusaSlicer has been running nicely on the Raspberry Pi with the same slicer GUI everyone knows and loves. Please let me know how you like it if you decide to give it a try!

Ultimately, I really wanted to get this plugin back up and running for the school districts that use my company's 3d printers (MakerGear). This plugin is also great for anyone who is getting into 3D-printing, or would like to slice parts on mobile devices with their own profiles.

This is my first OctoPrint plugin, so if you have suggestions or find any bugs just let me know :sweat_smile:

So many people ask for this, great work merging the two plugins. The one thing that strikes me right away is the bundling of a compiled deb package. Your link to the offline zip file is broken (404). Are there instructions on how to get PrusaSlicer installed for online installs, or is that done automatically?

Sorry, found it linked in the printer profiles instructions, which is in the wiki. Might want to add link to that in the setup section of the readme.

you should update your dictionary return for the software update check

it should match your plugin_identifier in setup.py, so replace slicer with internal_slicer

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Thank you for the affirmation and suggestions! It's something my users have requested for a long time so I'm happy it's finally ready/available.

As you discovered, PrusaSlicer isn't bundled in the main repo and is downloaded within the plugin's settings menu, but I'll bundle it with the offline release when that's ready (should be done by tomorrow). I've updated the readme to say the offline bundle is coming soon, and I've added a link to the wiki.

Admittedly, the CPULimit deb package was left in by accident. I was testing various ways to limit the CPU/Python process to prevent a stock RPi from overheating during a really long slice, so that's why it was there to begin with. In the future I'll add an option to download / install the package via PIP within the plugin settings menu, or just give users instructions on how to install it via SSH. My "installCPULimit" python function doesn't call that package so it's not able to be executed / installed from the plugin and will be removed in tomorrow's update.

Hi @GarrGarr and thanks for the plugin. Silly questions:

  1. I installed the plugin and Downloaded Prusa, but i don't see any filed where to put the slicer path

  2. How do I upload the .stl into the slicer window?

Typically you would just upload the stl like you would a a gcode file and then it will prompt you for slicer to use, etc.

This might be an outdated answer, but I have installed(I think....) the internal slicer,
and uploaded Prusa slicer, resulting in a lot of code, and the message it is installed.
But, I thought there would be some kind of setup ? The short question I guess is: what did I do wrong ? Looks like there's something missing.
Any help appreciated