I'm fairly new to Octoprint, but ran it for about a week on a windows machine while trying to locate in-stock Pi's and then waiting for my raspberry pi 3b to arrive.
When my Pi got here, I went a little crazy installing plugins, sometimes even downloading more than 1 that served the same function without realizing it.
First symptom was octoprint taking about 2 minutes to boot up, and my browser client taking about 30 seconds to refresh.
Running in safe mode I got back my performance, so I disabled a bunch of plugins that were redundant or that I realized I didn't need, but the Pi still wasn't as snappy as I would like.
More recently, on an overnight print last night and a shorter print today, I noticed that the printer was stopping frequently, and the final print came out with blobs all over the surface similar to the ones you get on a z-level change, but randomly throughout the print (I confirmed that my slicer - Cura - was not set to "randomize z-seam")
I ran in safe mode and used the ArcWelder output file for the short print, I confirmed that the printer performance and quality issues were plugin related.
The question is - is there a way to figure out which plugin is causing a problem without having to switch them on and print with them one-by-one?
Also, one of the plugins (I think it is called Resource Monitor) doesn't show anything that would say the system is taxed, except maybe the network connection, but I am wondering if I would I see a significant performance increase with the RPi4. I wouldn't mind springing for one, even the 8gb model at anything close to "normal" pricing if it will allow me to run a lot of the plugins I've started to like, but I refuse to reward the scalpers. Or maybe I would see a performance boost hardwiring into the network, but I'd rather keep it on WiFi if possible to avoid cables crossing the room.