Printing from SD verses Direct

Hi, I am finding that once I have sliced my file in creality slicer (I have added M420 S1 to Start G-code) and try to drag to Octoprint, it will not print and says Octolapse Startup Failed, Slicer Settings Not Found. If I use the same file but up load it to the SD card first then it runs fine. Can anyone tell me why? If I print from the SD card then the plugin Octolapse cannot be used which is why I want to print from the Pi.

This should be moved to Plugins. I think you will have better luck in getting help there.

The message you are getting should also list the missing settings. [M420 S1] does not seem to be related to Octolaps. It simply turns on bed leveling. It is unclear why you are making the statement related to [M420 S1].

I am not an expert on Octolaps I have used it and have it installed one one or 2 printers, but the things it seems to need in the gcode are:

Retraction Length,Retraction Speed,Deretraction Speed,Z Lift Height,X/Y Travel Speed,Z Travel Speed

Suggested reading: V0.4 Getting Started Β· FormerLurker/Octolapse Wiki Β· GitHub

Done that :slight_smile:

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Sorry I didnt make myself clear. The question was not about plug-in's or Octolapse its about the fact that I can only print if I transfer the gcode to to the SD card first. If do a drag and drop, or upload the file and then try to print I get a message saying "Slicer Settings Not Found". If I 'Upload to SD' the file (using Octoprint) the print works fine.

Yes, but it's about the Octolapse settings:

Blind as a Bat! Sorry you are right, cant believe I missed that. Will try changing the Profile in Octolapse and see where I get to. Many thanks for pointing out my error. Cheers Rob

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