PSU Control Fritz Box


I have a Fritz Dect 200 socket, how do I correctly configure the PSU Control plugin so that it works with this socket? I have already installed the PSU Control FritzBox plugin, as well as the PSU Control plugin

you will need to get the AIN for the socket, to do this, login to your FRITZ!Box and pull up "Smart Home" > "Devices and Groups", then select edit on the socket you wish to control.
The AIN is displayed beneath the model name. This unique number identifies the smart home component.
Copy that - yes, including the space, and paste it into the text field in the configuration for PSU Control FRITZ!Box.
The last step is to create a user in your FRITZ!Box that has Smart Home privileges.
Go to "System" > "FRITZ!Box-Users" and click "Add user".
Set a password, assign the Smart Home privilege and hit "Apply".

Enter these credentials into the config page for the plugin and save.
Then you need to at lease modify these settings in the PSU control plugin:

I've had to clear my browser cache and reboot the Octoprint server (Pi 4) to get this to work and display properly, but it works like a charm.
Pro-tip: Look at the iOS App "OctoPod" it has support for switching power using the PSU Control Plugin.

Please note that I translated the names of the controls into English, but you should be able to find the corresponding buttons in German!

Cheers from the Basement!

thx for the answer