Hey All,
First time posting, and total noob to 3D printing, SBCs, and Linux. After a few days of trying to follow the guides out there for installing OctoPrint and getting my Logitech C920x to work, I succeeded by using Print 'n' Play's tutorial on installing Armbian via Docker on my RockPi 4B+ board.
I've gotten all of my other plugins to work, but I can't get the PSUControl and the PSUControl_RPi-GPIO to work.
The power button on the navbar for OctoPrint doesn't do anything when I select it. I know the relay works on 3.3V because I tested it on the 1 pin.
Here's how I have it connected
Trigger: pin 3 (GPIO 71)
DC+: pin 4
DC-: pin 6
I have tried just about every combination of Board/BCM, physical pin vs GPIO.
One thing I haven't been able to figure out is that the GPIO Device field in PSUControl is not showing any options to select. I've seen examples where "/dev/GPIOchip0" is selected, but I don't have that option or any option really.
I would provide logs, but there aren't any for this plugin. I have them selected for logging via ...plugins.PSUControl Debug. Same for PSUControl_RPi-GPIO...Debug.
Is there anything else I need to provide or try?