Raspbery Pi 5 autoprint plugin not working

I've installed Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi 5 with octoprint_deploy. The autoprint plugin controls relays via the GPIO pins but I couldn't get them to work. After verifying the wiring was correct I connected to the Pi through SSH and tried activating the relay's with a python script. At first the python script didn't work but I found that if I replaced "import RPi.GPIO as GPIO" with "import gpiod" and added "chip = gpiod.Chip('gpiochip4')" I could control the relays on pins 17 and 18 just fine. I tried going into the printercontrol.py script in the plugin and adding the lines but when I did that the plugin disappeared from Octoprint. I tried cloning the plugin, making the necessary changes, packaging it, then installing the .gz file manually but I still don't see the plugin. I did verify the new plugin I installed manually did create the necessary files in the site-packages folder with the changes I made.

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