Reading Sensor Status from a Prusa Printer (MK3S MMU2S)?

Hello all,

I just rebuilt my MK3 into a MK3S MMU2S and reconnected Octoprint. Everything seems to be working. But... can Octoprint gather data from the new printer sensors and show it? Especially the PINDA / FINDA and IR sensors. That would be really helpful right now, because I have some filament loading problems and could play around with the printer while watching the changing values in Ocoprint.

Regards, Cato.

Hello @DeSnell!

As OctoPrint communicates with the printer firmware via GCODE in first place and that there are no GCODEs that return the status of these sensors, I'm afraid it's not possible.

Ah ok. Makes sense. Thank you for the qick answer!