Hi everyone, I like to keep the gcode files but my "uploads" directory grew quickly, so I decided to compress it and mount it as an overlay. For me was 237M vs 1,2G, so almost a gig of space recovered.
Here's a "quick and dirty" howto in case someone find this useful:
We need to install squashfs-tools.
sudo apt udpate
sudo apt install squashfs-tools
Then stop octoprint (maybe not necessary, but it does not hurt) and create the compressed file-system.
cd ~/.octoprint
mksquashfs uploads uploads.sfs -b 65536 -comp xz -Xdict-size 100%
This will take a while depending of the size of uploads directory.
Now create a directory to put all the stuff, move the uploads.sfs file there and create the directories needed for the overlay.
mkdir -p ~/.overlay/{upper,lower,work}
mv ~/.octoprint/uploads.sfs ~/.overlay/
Now it's time to edit /etc/fstab (change the "pi" user with whatever you have).
sudo nano -w /etc/fstab
Then add:
/home/pi/.overlay/uploads.sfs /home/pi/.overlay/lower squashfs loop,ro 0 0
overlay /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads overlay x-systemd.requires=/home/pi/.overlay/lower,lowerdir=/home/pi/.overlay/lower,upperdir=/home/pi/.overlay/upper,workdir=/home/pi/.overlay/work 0 0
"x-systemd.requires=/home/pi/.overlay/lower" it's required because systemd don't respect the order in fstab, funny uh?
Now test the thing:
sudo mount /home/pi/.overlay/lower
sudo mount /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads
checking with "df -h" you should see something like this:
/dev/loop0 237M 237M 0 100% /home/pi/.overlay/lower
overlay 30G 4,0G 25G 14% /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads
Check if the files are there and then umount again the uploads directory. Erase the original files and gain the space recovered:
sudo umount /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads
rm /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/* -rf
rm /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/.* -rf
sudo mount /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads
Files should be there again (hopefully ).
Now from time to time or if the upper directory grow to much, we need to update the squash file. This can be done via bash script ie:
sudo /bin/systemctl stop octoprint.service
/usr/bin/mksquashfs /home/${USER}/.octoprint/uploads \
/tmp/uploads_tmp.sfs -b 65536 -comp xz -Xdict-size 100%
sudo /bin/umount /home/${USER}/.octoprint/uploads
sudo /bin/umount /home/${USER}/.overlay/lower
/bin/rm /home/${USER}/.overlay/upper/* -rf
/bin/rm /home/${USER}/.overlay/upper/.* -rf
/bin/mv /tmp/uploads_tmp.sfs /home/${USER}/.overlay/uploads.sfs
sudo /bin/mount /home/${USER}/.overlay/lower
sudo /bin/mount /home/${USER}/.octoprint/uploads
sudo /bin/systemctl start octoprint.service
Sorry for my poor English.