Quick question: are there any valuable advantages of going with a Pi 5 over a 4, or is it just a waste of money? I know the Pi 5 supports NVMe drives on a mini PCI slot. I'm just not sure it will make much difference or not. Thanks for the tips and advice, and happy printing!
Waste of money if you ask me. If there's any difference for OctoPrint, I didn't notice it.
If you want the most performance for little money, check out eBay for second hand mini PCs.
Here's just the first one I liked
If you want something cheaper
Aaand even cheaper
You find tons of them right now, because win 10 support runs out and they don't have the official win 11 requirements
If you want to stick to something that you can use OctoPi on, then an RPi 3B, an RPi 3B+, or an RPi 4B is sufficient to run OctoPrint. You can also use an RPi Zero 2 but with only one USB connection, you're limited if you want to also add a camera.
An RPi 5 is overkill for just running OctoPrint. Not having the OS on a microSD card is nice, but on the 3B+ or the 4B, you can put the OS on a USB flash drive.
Cool thank you for the reply. That answers my question. Your really not going to gain much for the money it costs.