February 10, 2020, 2:08am
Hello, everybody,
I have a little problem I don't understand. Maybe you can help me.
I am writing a plugin that uses the "octoprint.filemanager.extension_tree" hook. The passed method uses _settings from octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin mixin. This worked fine until now, but when I add a init to my plugin class, the hook is called before _settings is available. Does anyone know why this happens and if I can work around this behaviour?
Maybe move your self._settings call into either on_startup
or on_after_startup
callbacks? If you could provide context of the code it might be more helpful.
Show us the code. How you call your init and then super
-it is important. For example, here's a mistake I recently did...
class FileInfoScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(FileInfoScreen, self).__init__()
It's subtle but it needs to be this instead on the third line:
super(FileInfoScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs)
February 10, 2020, 7:35pm
this is the code of my __
# coding=utf-8
import os
from .chitu_comm import chitu_comm
from .sla_analyser import sla_AnalysisQueue
from .sla_printer import Sla_printer, gcode_modifier
import octoprint.plugin
import octoprint.filemanager
import octoprint.filemanager.util
from octoprint.filemanager import ContentTypeMapping
class Sla_plugin( octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin,
def __init__(self): # the init which makes the difference.
self.gcode_modifier = gcode_modifier()
# allowed file extesions part #
def allowed(self):
if self._settings is None:
return str("cbddlp, photon")
return str(self._settings.get(["allowedExten"]))
def get_extension_tree(self, *args, **kwargs):
return dict(machinecode=dict(sla_bin=ContentTypeMapping(self.allowed.replace(" ", "").split(","), "application/octet-stream")))
# Settings #
def get_template_configs(self):
return [dict(type="settings", custom_bindings=False)]
def get_settings_defaults(self):
return dict(
allowedExten = 'cbddlp, photon',
workAsFlashDrive = True, #false printer use separate flash drive
flashDriveImageSize = 1,#GB
chitu_comm = True,
useHeater = False,
heaterTemp = 30,# C
heaterTime = 20,#min
resinGauge = True,
enableLight = False, #ir cam light
printerInternalConfig = [dict(
mainpowerSwitch = None,#net/gpio
photonFileEditor = False,
tempSensorPrinter = None,#1wire/ntc
tempSensorBed = None,#1wire/ntc
helloCommand = "M4002"
# UDP Upload #
def on_after_startup(self):
if self._settings.get(["chitu_comm"]):
Chitu_comm = chitu_comm(self)
Chitu_comm.start_listen_reqest()"chitubox udp reciver enabeled")
# File analysis #
def get_sla_analysis_factory(*args, **kwargs):
return dict(sla_bin=sla_AnalysisQueue)
# Priterfactory #
def get_sla_printer_factory(self,components):
return Sla_printer(components["file_manager"],components["analysis_queue"],components["printer_profile_manager"])
# gcode modifier #
"""def get_gcode_receive_modifier(self):
def get_gcode_send_modifier(self):
__plugin_name__ = "Sla_plugin"
__plugin_pythoncompat__ = ">=2.7,<4"
def __plugin_load__():
global __plugin_implementation__
__plugin_implementation__ = Sla_plugin()
global __plugin_hooks__
__plugin_hooks__ = {
"octoprint.filemanager.extension_tree" : __plugin_implementation__.get_extension_tree,
"octoprint.filemanager.analysis.factory": __plugin_implementation__.get_sla_analysis_factory,
"octoprint.printer.factory" : __plugin_implementation__.get_sla_printer_factory
#'octoprint.comm.protocol.gcode.sending' : __plugin_implementation__.gcode_modifier.get_gcode_send_modifier,
#'octoprint.comm.protocol.gcode.received': __plugin_implementation__.gcode_modifier.get_gcode_receive_modifier
Try instead:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Sla_plugin, self).__init__(**kwargs)
February 10, 2020, 9:05pm
it works. Thanks. I'm gonna have to google something before I understand why it works, but it works.^^
Presumbably that "laundry list" of mixins is the **kwargs
. (You made essentially the same mistake that I wrote about earlier.) Since you didn't init
with at least the SettingsPlugin mixin then you wouldn't get access to settings.