SSD1306 Display not working

I bought this brand new display, which has a resolution of 128x64 pixels.

I double checked the wiring, connected to respberry pi 3b+ like shown here:

I installed this plugin which is designed for 128x32 but I changed resolution from 32 to 64 in settings.

Unfortunately the display is not showing anything, any suggestions ?

Octoprint Version: 1.8.7
Plugin Version: 0.1.4

I don't have one of these but I can think of a couple of things to check / try.

Do you have the I2C enabled (sudo raspi-config, Interface Options, I2C)?

Is there some example code outside of OctoPrint that you can use to verify that the hardware works?

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Do you have the I2C enabled (sudo raspi-config , Interface Options , I2C )?

Sometimes it is easy... Thank you very much !

I'm the author of the plugin. Glad to hear you got it working (thank you @b-morgan!).
Issues are now enabled on the GitHub page, in case there are suggestions or bugs.