Stuck on Calling on_after_startup on tracking

Im having problems with running octoprint on venv in visual studio.
It is stuck on "octoprint.plugin - DEBUG - Calling on_after_startup on tracking" as you can see in the screenshot.
I have one plugin which is just displaying Hello World (I tried deleting it but it does nothing).

I'd appriciate any help. Thanks!

Have you tried opening the web UI, and it doesn't respond?

How do I do that?
I only tried to open this link, but it won't connect.
"Listening on and http://[::]:5000" means it's listening on all available addresses. Try http://localhost:5000/.

Before trying to setup plugin development stuff (which it sounds like you are, with visual studio and hello world plugin) I recommend becoming familiar with how OctoPrint works, opening the UI and making sure you have it fully setup first.