The webcam & Timelapse port settings keep changing on it's own while using multicam

I'm using multicam plugin and some reason inside the webcam & timelapse settings where I enter the snapshot URL and stream URL and ports are changing randomly to different cam ports other than the one I set. This has been a ongoing issue that affects my self hosted Obico. It uses the default cam set through webcam & timelapse which randomly changes. When I set the option and choose save I would like it to save and not change on it's own. Is there a reason or a setting I'm not aware of that causes it to change? I have one cam used for timelapse and Obico which defaults to the one set in this configuration. and should remain and I have another cam used to give me another perspective of print intended to only use for monitoring but not ideal angle for my timelapses or Obico so it would be ideal if the desired settings I set would remail as I set them.