Timeout problem

FWIW I ave been having timeout problems lately but only on long prints (4-6 hours), shorter prints are usually fine. The classic answer seems to be reroute the usb cable, buy a better cable, buy a cable with a ferrite choke, or buy snap on ferrite choke and add them to your cable. I've tried all of the above and used so many ferrite snap ons that my USB cable looks like a snake that swallowed a dozen eggs.
What finally solved the problem for me was to go into setting/serial/timeouts and double all the timeout settings (I wasn't sure which timeout settings were the applicable ones so I just doubled them all). A bit like swatting a mosquito with a baseball bat, I know, but it worked! I've done 3 very long prints since the change and nary a glitch.
Well, there it is, YMMV.