"TP-Link Smartplug plugin" possible to sort & download data?

I am doing a project in my studies where I want to collect the energy usage of 3D printing with different materials.

I was wondering if it was possible to somehow sort the data based on specific time frames and to download the data acquired from monitoring the energy consumption in the "TP-Link Smartplug" plugin.

I have seen that you can enter the "chart studio" and see the data based on a specific amount of observations you want to see. However, I cannot seem to have access to login to download the data, nor choose some time frames.

The data is stored in a sqlite3 database in the plugin's data folder. If you create a backup in octoprint and download the zip file you'll find the tplinksmartplug folder in the data sub-folder and you can work with it directly.

That power feature is still pretty beta and I make no claims of accuracy of the data provided or how it calculates to cost.

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Thanks for the quick answer! It took me several hours to figure out how to do it but I managed it.

That power feature is still pretty beta and I make no claims of accuracy of the data provided or how it calculates to cost.

That is completely fine, I just need/want to have approximation values of power usage, which seems like it is doing fine (at least when comparing to the HS110 app).