I have an image based on Octopi, which includes octoprint (v1pi). AFAIK, we don't have many users (a few hundred at the most). Is there something I should edit in the image to let your usage tracker (tracking.octoprint.org) know it is my oddball image instead of your octopi image?
There is a usage-statistics module in CustomPiOS. Its not as fully featured as the OctoPrint tracking, which tracks which version of Pi is used and such. It calls home on each boot giving a scrabled pi id and version of your distro.;
I haven't released the server-side because at the time there was a startup I was helping that didn't want it out:
I use it in several of my distros to know which one to develop, but its not in OctoPi.
The environment data sent to the OctoPrint tracking server gets populated with the contents of /etc/octopi_version
if it exists.
Great. Thanks. Those are both good pointers. I will make the /etc/octopi_version have something like 0.17.0_v1pi
. I won't see the numbers, but at least our users will be labeled right in your tracker.
I'm not sure I want to start the tracking myself, with the usage-statistics. It looks interesting, but I just don't spend enough time on it as it is.