Unable to start print from Octoprint

What is the problem?

What is right:
Able to control temperature and movement of hotend through Octoprint.
The gcode can be printed by the printer directly without using Octoprint.
Camera works but I unplugged it.

This is my first print through Octoprint.

  1. Drag the file to left side of Octoprint web browser.
  2. Click print
  3. Printer hotend moved a little (less than 10mm downward)
  4. Printer stop moving
  5. Error message starts looping
  6. Attempt to pause/cancel the print process, but no effect, error message keep looping
  7. Restart the printer and restart step 1

Error message:

Recv: //last:8 curr:10 rcv:N10 M117 Printing...Send: N9 G1 F{travel_speed}*97Recv: //callback_pf errorRecv: //sd cmd error cnt:7662 len:25 :N9 G1 F{travel_speed}*97Recv: Recv: okSend: N10 M117 Printing...*42Recv: Resend:9

Recv: //sd cmd error cnt:537 len:25 :N8 G1 F{travel_speed}*96Recv: Recv: okSend: N9 M117 Printing...*18Recv: Resend:8Recv: //last:7 curr:9 rcv:N9 M117 Printing...Send: N8 G1 F{travel_speed}*96Recv: //callback_pf error

What did you already try to solve it?

Restart the printer and raspberry
Slice another gcode
Print the said gcode directly from sd card (and working)
Uninstall all plugin previously installed

octoprint.zip (264.3 KB)

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab, ...)

Hi @ktnlee01,

just look here: Won't Print - Format Error

Believe it or not, I was recently on the Cura repository adding an issue for this bug which keeps showing up. It's "speed_travel" not "travel_speed".

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