Hello All,
I'm very much a beginner with minimal understanding of Python. That said, I've been able to follow the Hello World plugin tutorial (Plugin Tutorial — OctoPrint master documentation) with mediocre success... some things work some thing don't...
I am hoping someone can clarify a few things by going through the following example. After countless hours spent on this, do I understand correctly that if I have:
__init__.py in `/plugin_dir/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-Plugin/`
plugin_navbar.jinja2 in `/plugin_dir/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-Plugin/templates`
then I should be able to run
octoprint dev plugin:new plugin
which will install my plugin and upon restart, I should be able to see the link in my jinja file in the octoprint navbar?
Here are my files:
init.py --> __init__.py - Pastebin.com
plugin_navbar.jinja2 --> plugin_navbar.jinja2 - Pastebin.com
Have I misunderstood or missing something?
Thank you in advance