Uploading file to OctoPi through the API using javascript

Yes, all uploads are POST-related.

Foosel has created an entire JavaScript Client Library, not that I've ever used it. Here is the file-related section and there's an upload() function.

From her own example, this appears to be a POST'd session. Note the multipart-MIME decorations throughout. You might want to just toggle those two booleans to FALSE, though.

POST /api/files/sdcard HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
X-Api-Key: abcdef...
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryDeC2E3iWbTv1PwMC

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="whistle_v2.gcode"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

M109 T0 S220.000000
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="select"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="print"


From your example it's sadly not possible to see what your formData variable actually contains, and my money would be on there lying the problem.

If we just don't look at the JS for a second and try to solve the Postman-issue, I'm sure it'll help me understand what I'm doing wrong in javascript (and Postman can generate the request code for just about any language)

From what I believe to be the correct post-format in Postman, it'd be this code in cURL;

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -H 'postman-token: f5c1fb75-68ec-4d89-35da-d9c9617b8809' \
  -H 'x-api-key: 3504D4396F8E4DD6AB91C78CAB516DBF' \
  -F file=@test_Test.gcode \
  -F select=true \
  -F print=true

And this would be the HTTP

POST /api/files/local HTTP/1.1
X-Api-Key: 3504D4396F8E4DD6AB91C78CAB516DBF
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 9bda3364-8ea1-94bb-9d60-75b90e4b6ceb

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test_Test.gcode"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="select"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="print"


The only thing I can see missing is the "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" in the HTTP request, but otherwise it looks fine to me?

Got it. This is the correct JS code for uploading, starting and printing a file;

var form = new FormData();
form.append("file", $(file_input)[0].files[0]);
form.append("select", "true");
form.append("print", "true");

var settings = {
  "async": true,
  "crossDomain": true,
  "url": host + "/api/files/local",
  "method": "POST",
  "headers": {
    "x-api-key": api_key,
    "cache-control": "no-cache",
  "processData": false,
  "contentType": false,
  "mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
  "data": form

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {

Worked for me


Was it the crossDomain?

I'm glad you found your solution @AlbertMN for the file uploads. I hope this and the plugin tweaks we did gets your school printer farm working as you were hoping to. Just out of curiosity, what was the server side you were integrating the API with for managing the printers?

No, if this was the case it would've told me. The postman request still doesn't work, so I'm suspecting there's a problem with it - it might be due to the fact that Im using the old chrome app - it didn't seem to actually send the file, just the file name. I generated the code from Postman and replaced the name with the actual file, and it worked.

@jneilliii the server side is for user tracking :slight_smile: before a student uses the printer, they have to enter their name, grade/class and optionally an email address where they can be mailed when the print finishes, gets cancelled or fails. Furthermore we use it for filament tracking - we give each roll an ID, how much plastic it contains and then updates how much is left. This way we can stop the user automatically if the printer doesn't have enough filament to finish their print. To change filament, you simply press a button, it heats up the extruder, releases the PLA and instructs them how to put in a new one :slight_smile:

So all together a system that is as idiot-proof as possible!

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I do love Postman and I teach it to my students (I work at a software development bootcamp). There are times, though, when it (silently) makes things too easy. It might work in Postman and not work in curl and then I'm left to wonder what secret help it just did to make this work. Unfortunately, I can't then "take that into JavaScript" for the ultimate solution.

I use Postman as a shortcut for requests - if it works it ain't stupid :wink: Although Postman seem to have been the problem this time.

Oh and since you do JavaScript, you might try my octo-client sometime. But of course, it's Node-based.

var OctoPrint = require('octo-client');

  if (ptr.state.flags.operational) {
    var targetHotend1 = ptr.temperature.tool0.target;

As far i can see octo-client can only handle one printer ?

because only one printer is/can be hard coded to:


That's the fun of open source.

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@OutsourcedGuru, what's the benefit of your client over the stock one? I'm not really familiar with node.js and it's benefits so maybe that's the main difference. There is mention on the stock js client linked above about instantiating multiple instances, which would serve as a good example I think.

@jneilliii Here's an example of some small CLI programs which I've written myself from my own octo-client:


#!/usr/bin/env node

var OctoPrint = require('octo-client');

  if (response) {
    if (response.temperature) {
      if (response.temperature.tool0) {
        var t = response.temperature.tool0;
        console.log('The first hotend is set to ' +
          t.target.toString() +
          'C and is currently ' +
          t.actual.toString() + 'C.')

Creating that in Node, adding a symlink so that it's in your path and you could then just run:

$ octo-temps
The first hotend is set to 190C and is currently 182.5C.

Similarly, you could pause a print with:


You could both query the printer's state and then do different things as a result. I've created web services which do this on the backend since Node's good for that. I've even added Node to my OctoPrint installation so that I can run additional services there. I've got one listening to port 3000 which acts as a simple proxy; it's just easier than creating a plugin (at least if you're me).

I've got some which query on behalf of the Conky TFT interface to gather logistics.

Node.js is based upon the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. It's got a superb asynchronous queuing mechanism which scales up to mondo levels. It's hardcore stuff and it is well-positioned to replace Java, .NET and even C/C++ (eventually).

It comes with the npm (Node Package Manager) and a huge collection of node modules in the open space area.

I'm trying to upload file to a specific folder using the curl command, how exactly do I specify the folders location when it's next under the local upload location?

curl -k -H "X-Api-Key: MYOCTOPRINTAPIKEY" -F "select=false" -F "print=false" -F "file=@/some/full/path/my.gcode" "http://octopi.local/api/files/local"

That last argument would need to change. "local" just means "the root of the local uploads folder". Just add more path onto that like http://octopi.local/api/files/local/subdirectory.

I tried that, but the file was not uploaded

  • Does the folder exist already (and you created it using the Files side panel widget)?
  • Is there a hidden .metadata.json file in that folder and are the contents reasonable? For example, cat ~/.octoprint/uploads/subdirectory/.metadata.json
  • Have you tried first just uploading to the root folder of uploads using the first example and did that succeed?
  • Did you replace MYOCTOPRINTAPIKEY with your actual key from Settings -> API?

Since I keep getting requests on this subject, here is a quick-and-dirty HTML/JavaScript (mostly) client-side attempt at pushing a file to OctoPrint without needing NodeJS or any modules for that.

For my browser at least, it won't allow cross-origin requests if I'm trying to use the file protocol; it must be http or https. So the page below must be served somehow. I've used serve-static as I recall and installed this globally on my computer using npm. The CLI is then called serve and you'd run this in the folder in question. It will then simply serve the index.html page on http://localhost:3000/, satisfying the cross-origin safety check.


        <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"
        <script src="code.js"></script>
        <form><input type="file" onchange='upload(this)'></form>


function upload(elem) {
    var api_key = 'REDACTED';  // Change me to your own api_key
    var form = new FormData();
    form.append("file", elem.files[0]);
    form.append("select", "true");
    form.append("print", "false");

    var settings = {
        "async": true,
        "crossDomain": true,
        "url": "http://octopi.local/api/files/local",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": {
            "x-api-key": api_key,
            "cache-control": "no-cache",
        "processData": false,
        "contentType": false,
        "mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
        "data": form

    $.ajax(settings).done(function(response) {
  1. In this folder, run serve (assuming that you installed it globally with npm install -g serve-static earlier)
  2. In your browser, visit http://localhost:3000/
  3. Open the Developer's console and change to the Console tab
  4. Using the browse button displayed, select a gcode file
  5. Review the OctoPrint response from its REST API
  6. Visit the OctoPrint web interface via http://octopi.local/ and see if the file is now present in the Files side panel widget

This works for Postman and NodeJS using Axios. Thank you for simplifying it. I was trying to use all the requested parameters on the API documentation and it just kept giving me 400 responses. Truly, thank you. :innocent:

Using the OctoPrint API with Postman to upload a file to OctoPrint (Octopi)

Keywords: octoprint, octopi, upload file, octoprint api, postman, api


NodeJS Axios Solution

Codepen Formatted: https://codepen.io/drjonesyjones/pen/wvQbwjB