Why is the view in Cura much faster than OctoPrint?
I also notice the printing time and time remaining are more accurate in Cura than OctoPrint. Where does it get that from?
It's probably browser related
I guess it's also faster if you watch the stream via vlc.
I can watch HD TV in my Chrome browser, so I don't think Chrome is the bottle neck.
It's not just the browser itself, it's the plugins the browser needs to display different types of compressed video data.
OctoPrint's UI does a lot of processing, especially while the print is on to always be updating the statistics, gcode viewer, terminal making sure they're up to date. As a result, the webcam stream can lag/stutter and sometimes it doesn't cope well with dropping frames to compensate.
The other thing is that the default camera streamer is an mjpg stream, which uses a ton of bandwidth and data. So it puts more pressure on the browser to process the high data rate.
There is an option in OctoPi to enable HLS streaming, it's still experimental but it uses the hardware encoding on the Pi to encode h264 video, which is much more efficient. The downside of that is that it has a long latency as it has to build a buffer first.