Webcam activates LEDs?

The backtick key is next to the "one" key (or one if I use a single backtick) and we are talking about how to post the file here, not adding backticks to the file.

Three backticks before and after this line.

Just to make sure we can examine the indentation, you can also attach the file here after editing out any sensitive stuff (API key, etc.).

I believe there is an OctoPrint Plugin to control what I want;

I need to look it up

Thanking you 2000%

heres are some Plugins that May help
Control Lights, not all :

Control Wyze (not in the plugin lists)


Are you sure? OctoPrint-Wyze

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Plugins More OctoPrint-Wyze = nothing

You may install it manual:

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It's probably not showing up because it is not compatible. From the plugins listing page:

NOTE: Only Python 3.8 and up will work! This is not ideal since OctoPi 0.18 includes Python 3.7.3 by default, so you will need to be comfortable updating OctoPrint’s Python environment. This is a hard requirement because the wyze_sdk module that this plugin relies on will only work with Python 3.8 and up. OctoPi version 1.0.0 will include Python 3.9.