What direction does temperature offset go?

Stupid question, but which way does the temperature offset go? If I set the offset to +10C does that mean if I set a temperature of 200C for my hotend then Octoprint set the hotend to 210C or 190C?
It looks like my all metal hot end runs about 10C above what it's set to (at least according to my laser thermometer) and I'd like a global correction.
Thanks in advance.

It is intuitive, as you say +10C will make 200 become 210. If you're not sure, give it a go and see what the graph shows!

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Thanks for that.
I wasn't sure if it was "Offset my temperature by adding 10C to it is reporting" (i.e. 190 reported is 200 actual) or "My temperature is offset by 10C from what it is reporting so add 10C to what it reports". (so 200 reported is actually 190)

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