WS2812b LED/Stripe status for Visualisation of the Printer

Edit: move to Plugin Idea plz. unable to delete...

Hey there i was thinking about an Plugin to use WS2812b LED Stripe on the raspberry to see for Example the Print with the Percantage of it or blinking red when a failure happens or turns green when finished or orange when heating or or or...

I was thinking to do this with an Arduino but the GIPO on the Raspberry should be able to do the same an could direktly use the Terminal commands to read.

For people with more than one Printer or even Printerfarms like Pursa is using it should be very helpfull to Visualize. looking into a Room with many Printer and seeing one blinking red cause of an failure or green blinking for print ready sould make them save time and money cause you havent to walk around and looking at each Display for the Printer status...

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