Yet another OctoPrint client - OctoPyClient

OctoPyClient - looking for early adopter testers/users.

I have had a lot of enforced spare-time on my hands the last couple of months, so I decided to create a Python touch screen client for OctoPrint. The motivation was to fix/re-do a few things in OctoPrint-TFT and OctoScreen which was either broken or not my preference and I didn't want to dive into Go any more than necessary. Therefore, I am announcing OctoPyClient. Written in Python3 (>=3.6) and layered on GTK+3, GDK and Cairo.

Available on GitHub:
See for installation and configuration information.

It is also available on PyPi:
The documentation is still a "work-in-progress" - definitely more to come.

This application can be executed on an X11 desktop under Linux. The design target was a Raspberry PI (2/3) sporting a 3.5" TFT+Touchscreen display. However, it runs fine under a desktop window-manager. OctoPrint does not need to be installed on the same system as is running OctoPyClient.

Feel free to use the GitHub repository for issues and, by all means, PRs. Additions and corrections welcome. I will try to keep up with this forum thread but would like to avoid doing support on this forum if possible. It is easier to track issues on GitHub. That said, if you don't have a GitHub account, here will be OK.

Immediate plans going forward are:

  1. More documentation
  2. Support for smaller screens - (320x240) 2.8" for example.
  3. ... more documentation
  4. Maybe add some notes about X11 and hardware setup and troubleshooting.
  5. Looking for and considering requests and suggestions.

I took the liberty to fix your links.