Any updates on supporting raspberry pi 5 with octoprint?

when will octoprint support raspberry pi 5

OctoPrint supports the Raspberry Pi 5 and just about any system that has Python 3 available.

OctoPi, the operating system for Raspberry Pi systems with OctoPrint pre-installed, is currently available from the OctoPi Nightlies for the RPi 5 and from two stable builds for the rest of the RPi family.

The current "stable" releases of OctoPi are based on version 11 (bullseye) but the RPi 5 requires version 12 (bookworm).

If you already have an OS configured for your RPi 5, then you can use the octoprint_deploy script to install OctoPrint.

While this doesn't directly answer your question, hopefully it is a useful response.

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There's actually an RC of OctoPi available.

Hi b-morgan, do you mean that I need to install Raspberry PI5 OS on the Pi5 first and then Octopi (GitHub - paukstelis/octoprint_deploy: Bash script for rapid deployment of multiple octoprint instance on a single machine) or what would be the best way? Does anyone have more specific information about when Raspberry Pi Imager will start supporting Octoprint to Pi5?

There are currently two ways to get OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi 5. Both will use the Raspberry Pi Imager (1.8.5).

  1. Install the recommended OS on the Raspberry Pi 5 and then use octoprint_deploy.
  2. Download the OctoPi 1.1.0 RC2 image and install that with the imager option "Use Custom" (which says a custom .img but you can point it at the .zip and it will extract it).

I think option 1 might be easier.

Someone else will need to answer with "more specific information" but I'd guess that RC2 will have to lose the RC status and grow up to become OctoPi 1.1.0 before the imager will point to it.

b-morgan, you are the MAAAAN...thanks a lot, it's working. I have a problem with camera. I have to buy a new cable so then I can connect camera to Raspi. Get I some problems with that? Okay but this is nice so I can print again some stuff :wink:
BTW can somebody explain, what is the best way to make multiboot NVME. I can make partitions but I can't to make bootable those. Thank you!

Multiboot NVME on a Pi5: Watch this video:

I have tried this and it works.

Hi Walter and Thanks for the quick reply. I try that way but something went wrong. That not working me. Maybe must to try 1 more time tomorrow...

Perhaps you need to update the firmware on the Pi first?

I did use octoprint_deploy but I couldn’t use the raspberry pi camera module 3 .. I mainly wanted to use octoprint for its time lapse videos and monitor my printers from far away .. and I like octoprint deploy because I can do multiple instances for to use multiple printers on the pi .. but the camera issues couldn’t figure it out so my raspberry pi collecting dust now :crying_cat_face:

You might find some information in this thread:

Now that multiboot working but really I don't need that now, it was only test. Now I install octoprint_deploy again and try to add kamera but still not working. If anybody have idea, please write here🙏

You might please open a new thread in Get Help - Webcams instead of overtaking someone's thread for solving your issues. - Thank you.