Apt update wants to remove camera-streamer

What is the problem?

Doing an apt dist-upgrade on the latest OctoPrint with the new camera stack wants to remove camera-streamer.

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
libbasicusageenvironment1 libgroupsock8 liblivemedia77 libusageenvironment3
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
camera-streamer camera-streamer-raspi
The following packages will be upgraded:
libcamera-apps-lite libcamera0 python3-libcamera python3-picamera2

What did you already try to solve it?


Have you tried running in safe mode?

Not relevant

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

octoprint-systeminfo-20230720080955.zip (246.3 KB)

Additional information about your setup

Linux octopi 6.1.21-v7l+ #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:22:30 BST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux
OctoPi 1.0.0 OctoPrint 1.9.1

Yes, I know, I'm on it. A new libcamera0 release dropped, and since that has broken camera-streamer in the past, camera-streamer packages are pinned to a specific libcamera0 version. The problem is that apt apparently just happily uninstalls camera-streamer when a new version of libcamera is installed and after talking to Debian dev there doesn't seem to be a clean solution to that either.

The clean solution would be if libcamera didn't happily nuke its dynamic link targets between version upgrades if we've seen, but that is out of our control.

See also Feedback for the latest camera-streamer based webcam stack builds (builds 20230523124648, 20230627083607, 20230718115729) 路 Issue #6 路 OctoPrint/OctoPi-UpToDate 路 GitHub

Side note: AFAIK you only need to do a dist-upgrade when there's actually a new version of the distribution out, like switching from buster to bullseye.

For regular upgrades to keep the system up to date, an

sudo apt upgrade

will do the job just fine, and THAT will also not randomly uninstall camera-streamer but instead detect the conflict and not update libcamera instead.

Correction, apparently that is no longer the case.

I see that you are already on it, but I just wanted to chime in to say that I also saw that interaction:

pi@octopi:/var/log $ sudo apt update && sudo apt list --upgradable  && sudo apt upgrade -y
Obj:1 http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian bullseye InRelease
Obj:2 http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian bullseye InRelease
Obj:3 https://apt.octoprint.org/debian bullseye InRelease
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando 谩rbol de dependencias... Hecho
Leyendo la informaci贸n de estado... Hecho
Se pueden actualizar 4 paquetes. Ejecute 芦apt list --upgradable禄 para verlos.

Listando... Hecho
camera-streamer-raspi/bullseye 0.2.5~bullseye-1 armhf [actualizable desde: 0.2.1~bullseye-1]
libcamera-apps-lite/stable 1.2.1-1 armhf [actualizable desde: 0~git20230301+54a781d-1]
libcamera0/stable 0~git20230720+bde9b04f-1 armhf [actualizable desde: 0~git20230302+923f5d70-1]
python3-libcamera/stable 0~git20230720+bde9b04f-1 armhf [actualizable desde: 0~git20230302+923f5d70-1]

Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando 谩rbol de dependencias... Hecho
Leyendo la informaci贸n de estado... Hecho
Calculando la actualizaci贸n... Hecho
Los siguientes paquetes se han retenido:
  libcamera-apps-lite libcamera0 python3-libcamera
0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalar谩n, 0 para eliminar y 3 no actualizados.

pi@octopi:/var/log $ sudo apt install libcamera-apps-lite libcamera0 python3-libcamera
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando 谩rbol de dependencias... Hecho
Leyendo la informaci贸n de estado... Hecho
Los paquetes indicados a continuaci贸n se instalaron de forma autom谩tica y ya no son necesarios.
  libbasicusageenvironment1 libgroupsock8 liblivemedia77 libusageenvironment3
Utilice 芦sudo apt autoremove禄 para eliminarlos.
Los siguientes paquetes se ELIMINAR脕N:
  camera-streamer camera-streamer-raspi
Se actualizar谩n los siguientes paquetes:
  libcamera-apps-lite libcamera0 python3-libcamera
3 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalar谩n, 2 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.
Se necesita descargar 1.049 kB de archivos.
Se liberar谩n 13,8 MB despu茅s de esta operaci贸n.
驴Desea continuar? [S/n] n

Sorry its in Spanish. :stuck_out_tongue:

I see how it's actually trying to update both camera-streamer-raspi and libcamera0. Would it be safe to just manually update camera-streamer-raspi?

Yes, that will then lead to updating libcamera0

Tried it and I'm having the same issue as Octoprint does not load Stream - #3 by MrUpStry

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
camera-streamer-raspi : Depends: libcamera0 (= 0~git20230707+2783c8d8-1) but 0~git20230302+923f5d70-1 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

I set up Octoprint completely fresh and ran sudo apt-get upgrade --with-new-pkgs so no packages get deleted. Now i ran into new issues :stuck_out_tongue: Cam detected but not working but atleast camera-streamer is working like this and nearly all got upgraded. Also if u just run sudo apt upgrade i got nothing deleted. But if i ran sudo apt full-upgrade the folder got deleted.

I could update just now. :slight_smile:

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